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Exciting Development in HON

S2 has recently revealed what it is focusing on in its next patch – along with the development of new heroes, there are a number of new features they hope to include in the next round of beta-testing.

They hope to include a new spectator and replay-watching interface, with detailed information panels and loads of options to enhance the viewing experience.
Every HoN match played will be available to view as a replay; also all the match statistics will be viewable; however to view those games played in beta, you will need to pre-purchase your account.

Heroes of Newerth will soon have automated match-making systems using stats and PSR to put together teams. Only individual and 5-man team play will be enabled, however. There will also be a tournament system made with loads of amazing features.

There will be a new shop incorporated into the HoN gameplay interface: recommended items. No longer will we see incorrect builds on people who don’t know how to play their heroes!

There are 4 heroes currently in the process of being incorporated into HoN. These include:
Sand Wraith: Mercurial (Spectre) port
Panda dude: New hero based on a panda
Diseased Rider: Lich port
Necrolyte port

So we have all of this to look forward to!