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A new Patch from S2.

S2 games have given us a nice patch 1.50 and 2 new heroes!

The first hero they have added is Rampage.

Rampage is a clone of Spiritbreaker from dota, he has a charge ability with up to 2500 range and an ultimate that blinks to and stuns enemys.

The second hero added is Vindicator

Vindicator is another clone from dota, this time s2 has decided to port in Silencer.
Vindicator has the ability to deal damage based on his intelligence and the ability to silence entire teams.

A new mode has been added Ban Draft, where two captains (blue and pink) get to ban 4 heroes (2 each) before entering a Random Draft mode.

Players also get to enjoy a spooky themed maps for the duration of halloween.